More ways to boost your immune system and fend off infections!

Read part 1 here

We are here for you during this difficult time. Many patients are asking what else they can do to boost their immune system (in addition to our previous post). Here’s our suggestions:

1) Take NAC tablets (600 mg) twice daily now as a preventative measure. It was found in a study to significantly decrease the frequency of influenza-like episodes, severity, and length of time confined to bed. Both local and systemic symptoms were sharply and significantly reduced.

2) Have infrared Saunas as it can inhibit RNA viruses! (Coronavirus (COVID-19) is an RNA virus). Heat Shock protein - 70 (HSP70) is increased by sauna therapy and this has been shown in studies to inhibit viral protein export and replication

3) Beta-glucans are naturally occurring polysaccharides. Studies have shown they are immunomodulatory, anti-infective and anti-cancer. Take them as a quick immune booster if needed. Supplementing with yeast beta-glucan was shown to reduce severity of Upper Respiratory Tract infective symptoms during the first week of an episode. The healing and immune stimulating properties of mushrooms have been known for thousands of years in the Eastern countries. These substances increase host immune defence by activating the complement system, enhancing macrophages and natural killer cell function. As immune stimulating agent, which acts through the activation of macrophages and Natural Killer cell cytotoxicity, beta-glucans can also inhibit tumour growth. 

4) Vitamin C is something you should start taking now! China and some hospitals in New York are currently using IV Vitamin C to help patients fight the Corona virus. Vitamin C deficiency is more common than is generally thought, and is associated with prolonged length of stay in hospital. (76.5% of patients had hypovitaminosis C in an Australian study!) Another meta-analysis found that Intravenous Vitamin C reduced the length of an ICU stay on average by 7.8%. Orally administered vitamin C in doses of 1–3 g/day reduced the length of ICU stay by 8.6% (p = 0.003). In addition, researchers also found that in three trials where patients needed mechanical ventilation for over 24 hours, vitamin C shortened the duration of mechanical ventilation by 18.2% (95% CI 7.7% to 27%; p = 0.001). A previous meta-analysis of 11 trials on patients undergoing elective cardiac surgery found that vitamin C shortened hospital stay on average by 10%.  Combined vitamin C, hydrocortisone, and thiamine therapy was found in another study to be effective as an add on treatment for patients with severe pneumonia admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU). 

5) Boost your aerobic fitness. Coronavirus (COVID-19) causes a bilateral interstitial pneumonia. Many patients need oxygen support in hospital for weeks. Do whatever you can to improve your lung function now, like going for walks or doing interval training on a treadmill.

6) Optimise your omega 6 to 3 ratio. Having a ratio of 5 to 1 or lower dramatically improves lung function in asthmatics. Having a ratio of 4 to 1 or lower is associated with a 70% decrease in mortality in heart disease. You can read more about this here

7) Vitamin D - get your blood level up to 100. Most people find taking it in the morning is best for sleep. As an immune booster you can take 10,000 IU each day for 3 days.

8) Optimise your zinc. You want it to be 20 on blood testing. Zinc plays a key role in your immune system.

9) Vitamin A - As an immune booster if you start to get sick take 10,000IU each day for 3 days. (Assuming you are not pregnant)

10) Berberine to lower your risk factors and as an antiviral. Berberine is a natural antiviral compound that has been shown to be as effective as the medication ganciclovir in controlling Cytomegalovirus (CMV), and targets IE -2 protein transactivating activity. It has also been shown to be effective against influenza (an RNA virus) and the herpes virus. Corona (an RNA virus) is novel, so it is unclear if it will have antiviral effects against it, however berberine also has the benefit of improving blood glucose in diabetics, which is important as out of control blood sugar weakens the immune system. 

11) If your gut is not rock solid consider starting on Sporebiotic now. It has been shown in studies to reduce leaky gut by 60% in just 30 days. Our practice also has other specific gut healing products. A healthy gut is essential to good health. If you are on acid suppressing medications wean yourself off them if possible as stomach acid is a major barrier that helps protect us from catching bugs and patients on PPIs like Nexium are at higher risk of developing community acquired pneumonia.

12) Optimise your sleep. Inadequate quality sleep reduces the immune system and reduces testosterone in men. Optimise your sleep environment, if that is not sufficient to give you good sleep, book an appointment and we will assist you.

13) Reduce your stress. Do a daily meditation or other form of active relaxation to reduce cortisol. Cortisol is the main stress hormone and reduces your immunity. Here's a quick guide with some ideas.

14) Reduce high risk encounters. Only socialise with people who are well. Wash your hands frequently. Assume all public surfaces and other people's hands are infected. If you must travel keep the air flowing on you, the plane has a HEPA filter so the air though partially recycled is actually clean and will protect you. If you are in an Uber keep the aircon blowing on you, or open the window.

15) Cut back on carbs. So far the data is showing those that are dying overseas tend to have diabetes, high blood pressure and other heart issues. Boost your good protein and fat intake (like olive oil) and reduce carbohydrates. If you have a health condition like diabetes, now is the time to book a consultation so we can start to reverse it. 

16) Reduce toxins to give your liver a boost. Reduce plastic exposures, alcohol, and eat more clean whole foods like broccoli and blueberries. If you have mercury amalgams see a Biological Dentist to have them removed safely. Infrared sauna is a great way to detox a range of chemicals. Be sure to shower afterwards so you don't reabsorb the toxins. Modified Citrus Pectin is a safe and easy way to bind and remove a range of heavy metals and arsenic from the body but only use it if you have first removed your amalgams otherwise it will leach more mercury into the blood.

*We have most of the above immune boosting products available at discounted prices at our office*

In addition if you become unwell we have:

->Sublingual glutathione - this is the master antioxidant. Your body will rapidly run out of it when it is unwell. This form is highly absorbable.

->Lipsomal Vitamin C. To achieve maximum plasma levels you need to take 2 grams orally of regular vitamin C every 2 hours for 24 hours. Liposomal vitamin is highly absorbable, so you only need it twice a day. (Almost all vitamin C is made from genetically modified corn).

We have IV vitamin C at the practice that will give you a big boost, however we are now only offering it to patients with no symptoms - as an immune booster before travel, for example.

Hang in there, we will get through this!

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